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XBITS (Book Manufacturing User Group)

XBITS (XML Book Industry Transaction Standards) is a Working Group of papiNet GIE and a BISG committee that is designing and maintaining the standard XML (Extensible Markup Language) eDocuments to facilitate bi-directional electronic data exchanges between a diverse trading partners comprised of book publishers, manufacturers, paper mills, and component suppliers.

The XBITS electronic transaction standard is based upon the papiNet Standard which is open, free and easy to adopt, providing common benefits to supply chain partners supporting both traditional and digital print manufacturing.


The XBITS User Group is dedicated to facilitating the flow of information among supply chain partners in the publishing and print industry. The effort supports efficient business-to-business (B2B) communication, improves the reach and richness of communication throughout the supply chain, and increases efficiencies in transaction activities while supporting interoperability among trading partners.