18 September 2024
A comprehensive update for the Roundwood to a sawmill in Northern Europe including EUDR
The papiNet FWS&Bioproducts group announces a comprehensive update for the Roundwood to a sawmill in Northern Europe including implementing the EU Deforestation Regulation Use Case.
Roundwood to a sawmill in Northern Europe Use Case
3 November 2023
A comprehensive update for the Roundwood to a sawmill in Northern Europe
The papiNet FWS&Bioproducts group announces a comprehensive update for the Roundwood to a sawmill in Northern Europe Use Case.
Roundwood to a sawmill in Northern Europe Use Case
22 February 2023
Biometria extends papiNet formatted integration services
The Swedish IT company SDC in September 2017 expanded its integration service offering with a set of XML documents formatted in compliance with the papiNet standard. The services are offered to the parties within the Swedish forest wood supply industry. Since February 2018 most of these customers in the Swedish forest wood supply chain have adopted the papiNet integrations replacing the legacy SDC integrations with proprietary fixed file formats. In late December 2018 Biometria acquired SDC and has ever since continued to maintain and develop the papiNet formatted integrations with customers. In 2022 Biometria has sent around 20 million papiNet messages per month to its customers. These customers constitute almost 100% of the forest wood supply business in Sweden. There is an ongoing major Biometria project that in Q3 2024 will have replaced its legacy set of IT systems with the new system branded VIOL 3. The new system will, as requested by customers, support many more e-documents that are formatted according the papiNet standard and will totally skip old fixed file formatted integrations.
5 April 2022
A comprehensive update for the Harvesting and forwarding of logs in the forest Use Case
The papiNet FWS&Bioproducts group announces a comprehensive update for the Harvesting and forwarding of logs in the forest Use Case.
9 September 2020
Skog-Data releases an update on their papiNet implementation
In January 2018 Skog-Data released the solution for forest wood trade, VSYS VirkesHandel, in Norway. The solution is based on papiNet e-documents for information exchange. By September 2020 almost all integration in the Norwegian Forest Wood Supply chain is powered by papiNet e-documents. Approximately 150,000 e-documents are passing through the Skog-Data hub every week.
E-documents in use are Purchase Order, Order Confirmation, Delivery Instruction, Delivery Message, Measuring Instruction, Measuring Ticket, Inventory Status and Shipment Status.
About Skog-Data AS
Skog-Data delivers software to the Norwegian forest wood supply chain and operates the Norwegian information hub. The Company, owned by the parties in the Norwegian forest wood supply chain, was established in 1966.
27 May 2020
Forest Wood Supply & Bioproducts publishes updated business rules
The papiNet organisation has published an updated version of the FWS&B ISS Use Case Zip Files on 30 April 2020. It is also available to download under menu Helpful Implementation Material of user group Forest Wood Supply & Bioproducts.
FWS & Bioproducts Announces Updated ISS Use Case Definitions for all Use Cases:
7 May 2019
Forest Wood Supply & Bioproducts publishes updated business rules
The papiNet organisation has published an updated version of the FWS&B Business Rules document on 11 March 2019. It is available to download under menu Helpful Implementation Material of user group Forest Wood Supply & Bioproducts.
By following the rules, interoperability and reliability is increased in the ongoing digitalization of the Forest Wood Supply & Bioproducts industries
12 March 2019
papiNet FWS&B announces the release of their updated business rules for implementation
The papiNet FWS&B User Group announces they have published an updated release of their business rules for implementation of the papiNet Standard within the industry.
The business rules and related documents are available to download free of charge under menu Helpful Material of user group Forest Wood Supply & Bioproducts.
12 September 2018
papiNet publishes updated use case for the Forest Wood Supply & Bioproducts industries
The papiNet organisation has published an updated version of the FWS&B Use Case “Harvesting and forwarding of logs in the forest”. The objective of this use case is to give an introduction into how production data from a forest harvester and forwarder (based upon StanForD2010 standard) can be converted into papiNet e-documents.
By adopting the use case, interoperability and reliability is increased in the ongoing digitalization of the Forest Wood Supply & Bioproducts industries.
The use case description and related documents are available to download free of charge under menu Use Cases of user group Forest Wood Supply & Bioproducts.
14 February 2018
Forest Wood Supply & Bioproducts publishes updated business rules
The papiNet organisation has published an updated version of the FWS&B Business Rules document on 13 February 2018. It is available to download under menu Helpful Implementation Material of user group Forest Wood Supply & Bioproducts.
By following the rules, interoperability and reliability is increased in the ongoing digitalization of the Forest Wood Supply & Bioproducts industries
16 October 2017
SDC launches papiNet® integrations for Forest Wood trade in Sweden
In September 2017, SDC successfully launched external integrations of Contracts, Delivery Instructions, Measuring Tickets and Invoice Specifications for the Forest Wood Supply chain using papiNet e-documents. Customers of SDC can now benefit from modern XML formatted documents complying with the globally recognized papiNet standard that replaces legacy proprietary fixed-length formats.
The papiNet format enables SDC and its customers to update the integrations much easier and more frequently than with the earlier fixed-format format. The content is readable to the human eye and in tagged XML format, enabling the documents to be used in other ways than coded fixed-format files. Swedish pulp mills and sawmills can leverage the papiNet standard for both inbound forest wood supply and outbound pulp and wood products.
Since the launch in September some 15 customers have already replaced the legacy integrations with papiNet e‑documents and by February 2018 all customers will have moved to papiNet. At that time, all Swedish forest companies, sawmills, pulp mills and biomass heating plants will use the papiNet standard for integrations concerning forest wood trade.
Approximately 500 Swedish plants – sawmills, pulp mills and biomass heating plants – and terminals are connected to SDC. The renewal of the external integrations is initiated by the move from a legacy system to a new standard platform for ERP, CRM and BI.
About SDC:
SDC provides and refines information between forest and industry through industry common IT-solutions. SDC is an economic association with some fifty members representing buyers and sellers of forest wood products in Sweden. Purchasing sawmills are affiliated through their own industry organizations
19 September 2017
Tieto Forest Hub is leading the wood and fibre supply ecosystem into papiNet industry standard
In March 2017 Tieto introduced the Forest Hub ecosystem platform that helps wood supply business partners in their operational data transfer regarding wood logistics and mill reception processes. By connecting to Tieto Forest Hub the actors in forest industry are seeking to improve daily operational planning and follow-up, management of the inventories, and information quality, while also decreasing the amount of manual work required and reducing errors.
A complex supply chain in a complex ecosystem involves a large number of messages between organisations at different points. In wood and fibre supply the ecosystem includes a multitude of suppliers and buyers, harvesting operations, transport and logistics as well as mill reception and inventory management. The faster, easier and more standardised the exchange of these messages is, the more efficiently the entire ecosystem will work. This is why the major industry players across Europe and North America have come together in the form of papiNet®, a global initiative for the Forest and Paper supply chain.
Up until now, however, standardised messaging has been possible mainly between large organisations. Industry information hubs are changing the scene profoundly and Tieto Forest Hub is open to all actors in the industry, from large forest industry companies to medium size and small businesses, including bioenergy producers. Companies with the lightest messaging needs can even use Forest Hub simply through a web browser, and the open papiNet standard ensures data compliance throughout the whole supply chain.
Tieto, a Nordic leader in industry hubs and ecosystems, and a strong supporter of open standards, makes the benefits of information hubs and the papiNet messaging standard available to all wood and fibre businesses regardless of size. In addition to Forest Hub, Tieto is active also in several other papiNet initiatives. A prime example is SDC’s (www.sdc.se) information hub renewal project in Sweden where Tieto is participating in building the new papiNet based messaging layer for the new version of SDC service. Similarly, Tieto is helping several industry customers to adapt their systems to the new papiNet standard.
Tieto’s Forest Hub is based on Business Information Exchange (BIX, www.tieto.com/bix), which is a cloud service for B2B integration. Tieto BIX currently covers 1,500 direct customers, 26 sales partners, and exchanges close to 500 million transactions annually. By using this large scale B2B integration service as its core, Tieto Forest Hub can provide cost efficient and reliable services that meet the business continuity requirements of mission critical processes.
For more information, please contact:
Jaakko Kuusisaari, Director, Wood and Fibre Solutions, Tieto
Tel.: +358 (0)40 501 5197, e-mail: jaakko.kuusisaari@tieto.com
21 March 2017
papiNet launches new e-documents Contract and MeasuringInstruction
The new e-document Contract has been developed by papiNet user group Forest Wood Supply & Bioproducts. The Contract e-Document can be used by business partners to communicate business agreements. Contracts are managed by a ContractParty that normally is the seller or the buyer of a product or logistics service. The Contract e-Document can also be sent to service providers that need the contract information for carrying out their services.
It is currently used in implementations by SDC in Sweden. The Contract is available in the current build of the papiNet standard and can be downloaded at <link the-standard download-current-version>www.papinet.org/the-standard/download-current-version/.
The new e-document MeasuringInstruction has been developed by papiNet user group Forest Wood Supply & Bioproducts. The MeasuringInstruction e-Document can be used to instruct a measuring party what to measure and how to measure it. Packages and loads as well as individual items can be measured. The e-Document sets the parameters for various measuring properties, quantities, and products.
The MeasuringInstructionType controls the usage of the MeasuringInstruction e-Document. It can be used to instruct to measure a shipment (several packages, items or loads) or to measure samples.
The MeasuringInstruction e-Document is typically used by the Forest Wood Supply & Bioproducts business, but can also be used by other businesses.
The MeasuringInstruction is available in the current build of the papiNet standard and can be downloaded at <link the-standard download-current-version>www.papinet.org/the-standard/download-current-version/.
24 February 2017
papiNet based Forest Wood Supply trade live for wood chips in Norway
Skog-Data, a Norwegian software company for forestry business, has gone live with their new FWS trade application VirkesHandel. The first purchase order for wood chips was issued in January and currently most of the wood chips trade in Norway is handled using the application. Each party in the business chain run their separate client and all data exchange is based on papiNet eDocuments. The transmission is handled by the message hub “VSYS DataBuss” using the papiNet Envelope for addressing
13 December 2016
A new pilot is on-going to develop electronic data exchange in the French bioenergy & woodchips supply chain
A new pilot is on-going to develop electronic data exchange in the French bioenergy & woodchips supply chain.
Undertaken within the TRADE-project, this pilot is led by the national union of forest cooperative (GCF) in partnership with key bioenergy stakeholders. The new messages will use papiNet eDocuments and envelopes (mainly DeliveryInstruction for loading and transport, DeliveryMessage, MeasuringTicket).
Future exchanges will be based on the national and collective eMOBOIS infrastructure, and will be in line with eMOBOIS master data.
The specification phase is ongoing and messages will be implemented in 2017.

31 October 2016
Swedish carriers send advance shipment notifications using papiNet® documents
New integrations between carriers and SDC have been implemented using papiNet documents Delivery Message and Shipment Status. In Sweden each forest wood product delivery is legally required to be measured by an impartial measuring party. Frequently there are queues of trucks to be measured at a place of measuring and sometimes there are no trucks to measure at all. In order to reduce measuring times and hence waiting times at the places of measuring, carriers are now sending advance shipping notifications in the papiNet format Delivery Message to SDC as the timber truck leaves the delivery origin. SDC verifies the Delivery Message and pass relevant data to the Place of Measuring provided by the carrier. This also brings down the costs of measuring, since a lot of data has been provided electronically and does not need to be manually entered by the measurer.
The carrier sends a papiNet ShipmentStatus to SDC when the truck arrives to the place of measuring and is ready to be measured. SDC provides data from the ShipmentStatus to the system of the Measuring Party and alerts that the truck is ready to be measured.
- Quicker measuring process at the place of measuring has reduced waiting time for the trucks.
- Cost of measuring is reduced, since a lot of data has been provided electronically in advance and does not need to be manually entered by the measurer.
- The places of measuring know in advance when trucks will arrive and can plan their work accordingly.
- Improved data accuracy
About SDC:
SDC provides and refines information between forest and industry through industry common IT-solutions. SDC is an economic association with some fifty members representing buyers and sellers of forest wood products in Sweden. Purchasing sawmills are affiliated through their own industry organisations.
30 March 2016
LogForce creates million papiNet e-documents every month
LogForce™ is a software service for forestry related transport that is used to streamline the business for both the haulage contractor and the forestry company. Integrations between partners are enabled with the papiNet® standard. In Finland more than one million papiNet e-documents are distributed every month by the LogForce solution. The created papiNet documents DeliveryInstruction, DeliveryPlanning and InventoryStatus are sent between partners in the logistics chain for Forest Wood Products.
Today more than 50% of Finnish timber transports are supported by LogForce and the share is growing. Metsä Group and Stora Enso are founding customers of the LogForce service, which is provided by FifthElement Oy.
About Fifth Element
Fifth Element is a technology solutions provider that specialises in developing software that focus on operational work processes in selected industries. Together with forestry clients Fifth Element has leveraged its advantage of mobile technology and location information to support the industry. The company's software services enable different stakeholders in customer companies to work in new ways that benefit everyone.”
29 February 2016
papiNet® Invoice efficient basis for sales e-invoices in UPM-Kymmene Oyj
UPM-Kymmene Oyj is utilizing the papiNet Invoice eDocument for sending sales e-invoices to customers. papiNet Invoice is sent by many different businesses to a message broker service to be further delivered to recipients in needed format / standard. Invoice attachments can also be sent with invoice to be delivered at the same time. Usage of papiNet Invoice eDocument makes the process efficient and also speeds up new implementations as mapping rules are already existing within broker service.
About UPM-Kymmene Oyj
Through the renewing of the bio and forest industries, UPM is building a sustainable future across six business areas: UPM Biorefining, UPM Energy, UPM Raflatac, UPM Paper Asia, UPM Paper Europe and North America and UPM Plywood. Our products are made of renewable raw materials and are recyclable. We serve our customers worldwide. The group employs around 20,000 people and its annual sales are approximately EUR 10 billion.
For further information about UPM go to www.upm.com
5 January 2016
Germany has launched its ELDATsmart project
In December 2015 Germany has launched its domestic project for an efficient electronic data interchange in the forest and wood sector. The so called ELDATsmart project is mutually initiated by partners of the forest (Deutscher Forstwirtschaftsrat [DFWR]) and wood (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rohholzverbraucher [AGR]) sectors, technically supported and coordinated by the KWF (Kuratorium für Waldarbeit und Forsttechnik), which is a member of the papiNet® FWS&B User Group since 2010. The German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture gives financial contribution to back the effort.
ELDATsmart will be assessed continually by a special User Group during the development process to guarantee an easy handling in day-to-day business. This advancement of the former ELDAT Standard aims to fit primarily for small and medium sized forest owners. Furthermore there will be an application for significantly involved logistic partners. In technical realization of these requests ELDATsmart will progressively merge into the papiNet Standard by using papiNet e-documents. The project is drafted to be implemented by the end of 2017.
For further information about the KWF and ELDAT go to http://www.kwf-online.org (German).
4 December 2015
Updated papiNet FWS&B Business Rules and ISS Excel sheets are published
Today papiNet® User Group Forest Wood Supply & Bioproducts announces an updated version of the FWS&B Business Rules and FWS General ISS for all FWS Use Cases. These Business Rules should be followed in integrations using papiNet e-documents within the markets Forest Wood Supply and Bioproducts. The ISS Excel sheets are a benefit when implementing papiNet documents.
The documents can be downloaded from section Helpful Implementation Material in the User Group web page.
16 November 2015
papiNet powered FWS Product Identifier data base developed in France
The eMOBOIS project, coordinated by FCBA, is utilizing papiNet eDocuments to facilitate a master data manager to centralize and share product identifiers and descriptions. The product database is made up of Forest Wood Supply product components. It is hosted on a web portal with the data exchange platform and is updated in real time on the basis of information contained in papiNet eDocuments. Indeed, this data manager retrieves sets of product component codes belonging to eMOBOIS agency and if there is a new set, assigns a new product identifier.
About FCBA
The technological institute FCBA (Forest, Cellulose, Wood construction, and furniture) is an industrial technical center and the tool of the whole French Forest, Wood, Paper and Furniture. www.fcba.fr
About eMOBOIS : http://emobois.fr/
12 October 2015
All Swedish companies in the forest wood supply chain are going to use papiNet
SDC has decided to replace the major external interfaces to sawmills, pulp mills and biomass heating plants with papiNet® documents by 2017. The current interfaces are home grown fixed-length formats and SDC is looking forward to offer its customers modern XML formatted integrations following a global standard. This means that by 2017 all Swedish forest companies will integrate using papiNet® documents.
Approximately 500 Swedish plants – sawmills, pulp mills and biomass heating plants – and terminals are connected to SDC. The renewal of the external integrations is initiated by the move from a legacy system to a new standard platform for ERP, CRM and BI.
About SDC:
SDC provides and refines information between forest and industry through industry common IT-solutions. SDC is an economic association with some fifty members representing buyers and sellers of forest wood products in Sweden. Purchasing sawmills are affiliated through their own industry organizations.
22 September 2015
papiNet Invoice is used for Forest Wood in Sweden
Since 2014, the Swedish forest companies Sveaskog and Södra are invoicing forest wood sales using papiNet e-documents. Their forest wood customers may now get electronic invoices with detailed invoice specifications for efficient reconciliation. Sveaskog and Södra no longer need to conduct manual reconciliation of invoices. Instead, they now utilize automatic reconciliation of incoming e-invoices in papiNet format. papiNet documents Invoice and Invoice Specification are efficiently verified at Measuring Number level, which strengthens cost control and improves data quality. Traditionally, reconciliation of forest wood invoices is a both complex and labor-intensive manual process in Sweden.
Sveaskog is Sweden's largest forest owner and sells sawlogs, pulpwood and biofuel to approximately 170 customers, primarily in the pulp and paper and sawmill industries.
Södra is Sweden’s largest forest-owner association, with more than 50,000 members. Södra is also an international forest industry Group, with operations based on processing its members’ forest raw materials.